Tuesday, May 1, 2007

=) Last Blog =)

OUR journey had advanced;
Our feet were almost come
To that odd fork in Being’s road,
Eternity by term.

Our pace took sudden awe,
Our feet reluctant led.
Before were cities, but between,
The forest of the dead.

Retreat was out of hope,
Behind, a sealed route,
Eternity’s white flag before,
And God at every gate

By: Emily Dickinson

English class.... It's the last blog of the semester and well from the first days of research up till now has much advanced. I have taken a lot from the time spent in and out of class going through the piles of information on Complementary and Alternative therapies and it has given me a new look on the medical field. I have pretty much decided where i want to go with my major and in what speciality.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

A couple of CAM therapies

Acupuncture treatment for pain works either locally by secretion of neurohormones in the tissue adjacent to the needle, or centrally through nervous pathways mediated by neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and norepinephrine (Peters page. 85).
Homeopathy is complementary medicine based on the idea that treating “like with like” will stimulate and direct the body’s self-healing abilities (Peters, page 70). Homeopathy is particularly useful when the disease is “internal” due to an imbalance within the person rather than to an external agent, such as an infection. For instance, homeopathy is very effective for children with eczema and other allergies, and for people with anxiety, depression, sleep problems, recurrent coughs, colds and flu, arthritis, and rheumatism, and for women with PMS and menopausal problems. It can complement other treatments, too. For example, homeopathic medicines are sometimes taken alongside conventional medication to help with the side effects and symptoms of cancer.
Chiropractors use precise hand movements to manipulate the vertebrae of the spine. The therapy is particularly effective in treating low back pain and relieving muscle tension caused by stress. In correcting the alignment of the spine with the head and pelvis, chiropractors help the nervous system work normally. Treatment may involve standing or sitting or lying on a chiropractic couch while the practitioner used her hands to locate the source of the pain and then make the necessary adjustments (Peters, page.62). 
 Dietary supplement is a product (other than tobacco) that is intended to supplement the diet it contains one or more dietary ingredients (including vitamins; minerals; herbs or other botanicals; amino acids; and other substances) or their constituents. They are intended to be taken by mouth as a pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid. They are labeled on the front panel as being a dietary supplement. The FDA regulates dietary supplement, to what goes on the label must be truthful and the dietary supplement the FDA must look over its self. If the label is misleading the FDA can pull if off the market.
Yoga is one of the most known and used CAM therapy for the body. This ancient Indian practice has been practiced for thousands of years in India as part of Ayurveda. It combines physical postures and breathing to train the mind and body. All forms of yoga, such as hatha and astanga, can help relieve mental stress while increasing suppleness and fitness. Yoga therapists teach specific poses to treat medical complaints (Peters, page. 63).

Thesis Statement

Influences in medicine started early in A.D maybe even B.C. Fu His, who lived in the yellow river area of China approximately 8,000 years ago, is a theorist who began and has influenced Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM). CAM is a Chinese medicine that has been practiced overseas for many years. While conventional medicine is chosen here today for primary health care, I believe Complementary and Alternative practices should be an option taken in consideration.

this is my thesis statement for my final paper. I feel that this is where i want my paper to go and what i want to bring across through out the whole thing. I want to show people that Complementary and Alternative medicine can and should be a consideration in picking how they take care of themselves. Complementary and Alternative medicine looks at the body as having 3 body systems that work together to keep you healthy. I want people to know that targeting all of theses systems will have th best outcome in becoming well again.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

New Medicine

New Medicine :Complete Family Health Guide.

This book is for integrating complementary, alternative and conventional medicine is a safe and effective way to use. I bought this book because i am not just interested in this subject for class but in general for my family with their health problems and for other people too. I like that this book informs you of conventional medicine used for the specific health problem and that it gives you the most effective way to use CAM therapies that are safe. This book goes through many different health problems from cramps to arthritis. I really feel that this should be a book that someone in the medical industry would want to read and have in their possession. I have read through this book for my grandmother to help her with her healing of a hip replacement. I also looked in it for stress for myself and mother and also thyroid disease to help my mom.This book is really something that I will use in all of my paper. I think that this is a great source that I found. New Medicine goes through countless health problems that can be handled with both conventional and CAM. I really feel that any person that is going to use CAM to read through something like this reference and then consult a doctor before just trying another medicine. Conventional Western Medicine used to mean taking the body apart and analyzing it down into ever-smaller components. But examining a piston can’t tell you how an engine works. Why cannot explain the mind by dissecting the brain, not understand a person by doing chemical tests. And living organisms are quite different from mechanism: they self-assemble, and the whole has a huge effect on its parts. The healthy body id an infinitely intricate three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle that is continually breaking itself apart, even down at the molecular level, and then reconstructing itself.


A long time ago in a town far away called Kent there lived two squirrels. Ed and Jim were their names and except for their tails they were a little funny to ones sight. Ed was a principal of the local high school whose rules and principles were fair but many didn't accept them or follow by any means. Down the road from the school and on the right your eyes couldn't miss Jim's church and altar. The rite of passage through the doors to Jim's sanctuary was hard to obtain. The weather was pretty stationary in the little town of Kent and didn't affect or alter many peoples day. The teaching in the high school wasn't the greatest and English wasn't the best. Stationery wasn't in its best use at the high school. When they would write a story whose ending made no sense, they would lose technique and not cite references. Whether it's ending was too loose and off track it would still bring a smile to faces in Kent. Your fare in this town was nothing because you would be on a trek to see the place. Ed and Jim often effected the day-to-day life in Kent. You're also guaranteed to walk into them sometime. The affect they leave on you will stay forever. They're the town of Kent and it wouldn't be the same without them. Who's stayed and who's left this town that is the question. Their effect has been great to many people.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Complementary Therapy/Medicine

Gentle therapies such as massage, relaxation, and other "healing" therapies play a major role in palliative care (symptom relief). Some patients find that complementary medicine, also called integrative medicine and/or holistic healing can help alleviate the side effects, pain and anxiety associated with chemotherapy and cancer treatments in general (Hamilton,par.2). Types of complementary medicine are divided into five different cateragories. Sensory, Cognitive, Expressive, Physical and Medical Systems. Sensory complementary medicines include the senses: site, smell, touch, taste and sound. Examples of theses are Aromatherapy, Landscape therapy, Music therapy, Massage, Therapeutic touch, Reiki, Reflexology and Acupuncture. Cognitive complementary medicine incourages mind body healing. Examples of theses are Guided Imagery, Hypnotherapy, Prayer, Meditation, Relaxation and Deep Breathing and Biofeedback. Expressive treatments include anything that lets the patient express themselves in a positive way.Psychotherapy and Counseling, Support groups, Journal writing and Art therapy are examples of theses. Physical complementary medicine is exactly what it sounds like and includes: Physical exersice, Yoga, T"ai Chi and Qi Gong. Medical Systems is an overall term used to describe the types of different, alternative, or non-traditional medicines that may be called upon in addition to western medicine. Some of these include naturopathy, Anthroposophical medicine, Western herbalism, Chinese herbalism, and ayurveda (Hamilton,par.36).

Hamilton, Scott. Chemocare. 2005. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. 15 March 2007.
< http://www.chemocare.com>.

Infertility boost from CAM

Researchers have found that many of complementary and alternative medicines can help couples with their conceiving problems. Homeopathy has been on of the many found to help. Homeopathy is remedies from minerals, plants and sometimes animals that are diluted down. Theses are taken so our body’s defenses can kick in against the problem that’s making infertility. Its been shown to help with polycystic ovarian syndrome, which messes with a women’s menstrual cycle, blocked tubes and endometriosis. Endometriosis is where the lining of the uterus is found other places in the body. Women that have taken daily doses were shown to fall pregegnant, compared to others who were not. Acupuncture theory in infertility is that blood stores are down in the body and can cause irregular periods. This can allow the bold to flow more normal so that they ovulation can go back to normal. Women receiving both acupuncture and IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) had pregnancies other then with just the IVF. Other therapies are said to help and should be looked into with you and your doctor such as nutrition and hypnotherapy.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Dietary Supplements : Source Summary

Dietary supplement is a product (other than tobacco) that is intended to supplement the diet;

*contains one or more dietary ingredients (including vitamins; minerals; herbs or other botanicals; amino acids; and other substances) or their constituents.
*is intended to be taken by mouth as a pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid.
*is labeled on the front panel as being a dietary supplement.

The FDA regulates dietary supplement, to what goes on the label must be truthful and the dietary supplement its self must be looked over by the FDA. If the label is misleading the FDA can pull if off the market.

Dietary supplements are not required to be standardized. standardized is the process that manufacturers may use to ensure batch to batch consistency of their products.

The FDA is allowed to issue Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regulations describing conditions under which dietary supplements must be prepared, packed, and stored. This is to ensure that manufacturing practices will result in an unadulterated dietary supplement and that dietary supplements are accurately labeled ( Par.15)

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Persuasive vs. Expository

An Expository paper is a paper that tells the facts and reports what others have said. In this type of paper you don't argue the facts or try to convince the reader of anything. This is manly an informative paper. Research papers are not usually this type of paper. An Expository paper just considers the and not really the why and how.

A Persuasive paper is one that argues and persuades the audience to look at it from the point of view that you are, in the paper. This has facts included and importantly pro's and con's, this type of paper should almost always address the other side too. A Persuasive paper considers the why and how. Research papers are usually a persuasive paper.

Between the two choices I believe that my topic and paper will be a Persuasive paper. I will be going through the why's and how's of Complementary and Alternative medicine. Another reason why I would argue that it’s a persuasive paper is because included in persuasive papers you argue your opinion, so your subject must have two sides to see. My topic has its side of complementary and alternative medicine and the other side people argue is better and should only be used is general medicine. My paper will include many expository parts because I have to tell you the facts so I have a side to argue.

Five W's and an H!

Huang-ti Nei-Ching (The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine) is the major pioneer of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. This book is used for reference to many therapies used in CAM. The original Nei Ching consists of many parts of which the most important are the "Su Wen" and the " Ling Shu." The former deals with physiology, pathology, etiology, and health maintenance; the latter with anatomy, treatment, and the nervous system. The "Su Wen" introduced the following methods of treatment: Huei Shi- cutting stone, early surgery using stone knives, Medicinal- decoctions and medicinal soups, Acupuncture, Moxibustion- Heat therapy, and Massage- Manipulation and exercise (www.acupunturecare.com).

Complementary medicine is used together with other conventional medicine. Like using aromatherapy following surgery for lessening the discomfort. Alternative medicine is used in place of the conventional medicine. Like following a diet instead of radiation for cancer treatment. Major types of CAM therapies are mind-body medicine, biologically based therapies, manipulative and body based methods, energy theories and whole medical systems that are built around theory and practice. Many individual therapies are; aromatherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, dietary supplements, homeopathic, and massage.

Alternative and Complementary Medicine concept was first said to be started in China and their early medicine. Today in society many and all countries use a form of CAM therapies, there may be an office for one right down the road from you. Theses therapies are becoming better known and used, this is why they are found in many place around the world. Chiropractic therapies are used most likely every state in the United States and is the most used CAM therapy that’s accepted in our society. There might be an office right around the corner from you right at this moment.

It’s hard to really say when CAM was starting to be used first. In many of the articles and websites that I have read through it seems to be that CAM was really let in by the United States around the early to middle 1900's. Many people still today do not believe that any of the CAM therapies can be helpful to a patient and I feel that it might take awhile to get people to start acknowledging them. Many insurance companies will not cover CAM therapies and if they do its very limited coverage. It is said that soon many insurances will add a plan for CAM and to me it feels then CAM has been accepted and used by many.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine should be used with much caution and care. If you are considering using a CAM therapy with or without general medicine, you should contact and talk to your regular physician about it first. There can be risks in taking or using a CAM therapy and that’s why you need to inform a physician that knows you and your health well. Also be very careful in picking your CAM physician you need to make sure they know about the therapy well and can work with you and other conditions you may have.

The Art of Acupuncture & Classical Chinese Herbology. 1998. Scott Suvow, M.O.M, L.A.C , NCCAOM. 3 Jan 2007 .

Friday, March 2, 2007

Where to look???

You can't really answer the question of how much information is out there on your subject because with the web it’s unlimited. The question is how much can you really find for your self. For my subject, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, I have been able to find various amounts of work on it. This I believe is a split subject and might have a little to do with it, when people are picking sides there tends to be information everywhere hitting every aspect. I have went to the library and checked out 3 books, but looked at tons more. Some works only have a few about CAM in them and some have so much you don't know what to do with it. To be able to answer the 5 W's and an H blog I think there is way more then enough information on what I’m writing on. By using JSTOR I have been able to find tons of Scholarly articles referring to and about CAM. Many people now a days are looking into using CAM for medical reasons and that’s why I believe that its written so much in magazines and such. I have been able to find books on just certain therapies such as Holistic Health and Acupuncture. With all the information and the sources that I have already found I believe that there is more then enough information for me to produce our ten page paper at the end of the semester.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Peer Review # two

For our second peer review session we were to write a three page paper on the "Major Questions in our Subject". For me this was easy. Complementary and Alternative Medicine is my subject and there are tons of questions asked over and over again about it. I started off by answering the most profound question What is CAM and How Can It Help Me Feel Better? I went into how it helps and different types of therapies used for helping different things. Then i tried to answer the question that most often is next in line to being asked. Is It Safe? This was the most difficult to try to answer and i tried to the best of my knowledge.

Problems - I had and very bad run in with using the word "you" in half my paper, so that is deffinately something that will have to be worked out before i hand in the second draft. There were a few small questions on what was i trying to say, or this should be worded different such as : my first sentence it didn't really make sense and all my peer right away pointed that one out to me. Some weren't sure of the many focus of the paper and i will be sure to make it clear before its turned back in.

My reviews :

Casey: Coming into this paper i had never read her work before, when i started off it was well written but there were a few things i wasn't clear about. She mentioned Enron, but never really let the reader know what she wanted us to know about them. Also with Sarbanes Oxley Bill i was not sure on what she was trying to relate to. Other then that i just saw that she over used the work " ethics" throughout the first page an a half. And that we were suppose to have 2 cited works but she only had included 1.

Beth: Starting off i didn't really know anything about her subject. She was using MN which she never abbriviated anywhere. That was the biggest problem for me in her paper. She needed to make it a little longer but other then that it was very interesting and catching.

Ann: Ann had very little grammar mistakes and i really liked how she used the Terri Schiavo case in her paper. It fit right in and it was something a lot of her readers will be able to connect with. The only thing in her paper was that i wasnt' sure of what the point was that she was trying to get across or the question she was trying to address.

Cody: I also liked how he brought the examples in his paper. Between the 3 and 4 paragraph it seemed to just jump and not really have a clear point of stopping and starting somewhere else. Over all it was very well written. He is a great writter but again the ending to me just drops and doesn't really end.

Will it Help?

Paitents and people all over the world have been asking this question in the doctors office and other places about CAM ( Complementary and Alternative Medicine) Will the CAM therpaies help me? Many people have been using the CAM therapies for things such as; chemotherpay side effects, osteoarthritis, alzheimers, kidney disease even for their pets. Will it help you can really be answered for you, but by reading such clinical research conducted might show you that, its really worth the shot.

They have found that when an acupuncture needle is inserted at specific sites on the wrist, inside of the forearm or leg, this triggers the release of opioid chemicals in the brain that reduce excitatory responses in the cardiovascular system. This decreases the heart's activity and its need for oxygen, which in turn can lower blood pressure, and promotes healing for a number of cardiac ailments, such as myocardial ischemia (insufficient blood flow to the heart) and hypertension (http://www.camlawblog.com/). With electrical stimulation that was then next added lowered increased blood pressure from 40 to 50 percent.

Studies like this that you can read and ask about to a physician should be helpful in deciding wether or not CAM will work for you. There are many other studies that have been done that you can read on the site that was cited below.

1. Cohen, Michael, H. "Acupuncture found to lower elevations in blood pressure." CAM Law . (http://www.camlawblog.com/) 26 Feb 2007.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

To Test of Not to Test?

The stated reasons for the increase in popularity of alternative
medicine therapies includes a rise in prevalence of chronic disease, an
increase inpublic access to worldwide health information, reduced tolerance for paternalism, an increase sense of entitlement to a better
quality of life, declining faith that scientific breakthroughs will
have interest in spiritualism (1).This and the time not taken out to
examine the truth about the risks taken using alternative medicines is
leadingAmerican more towards them. This leads them more towards not informing doctors of their use also. Around 41% of Americans
use some kind of alternative medicine. [Well] with the increase in
number of Americans using alternative remedies, and the medical
establishment becoming more concernedabout possible adverse interaction with prescription drugs, Congress in 1992 established an Office of Alternative Medicine within the National Institutes of Health to evaluate alternative remedies(1).But only 2 million dollars was then spent testing theses, when given 10.7 billion dollars. 100,000 people die each year to adverse interactions with prescription drugs, this being the 4Th leading cause of death in the United States. The FDA ( Federal Drug Administration) should be testing theses to better extent.

Clark, Peter A. "The Ethics of Alternative Medicine Therapies". Journal of Public Health Policy. Vol. 21, No.4 (2000) pp. 447-470. 10 Feb 2007. .

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Peer review session

During the Peer review session my paper was read through and anyalized. Danielle, Ann and Cody were all in my group and they all told me basically the same thing. My paper needed to be brought down verbally, so that when the reader read it they could actually understand it. I was also told to watch my grammar. In the first paragraph some of the bottom sentences did not make sense and they needed to be changed. Over all they all wrote that i had great information and that i just need to organize a little better.

Cody's paper was very well written, though it was a little too short for what we needed. In about the second paragraph I told cody that i thought he might be getting a little to personal when he said " Ben ( you know we know each other on a first name basis). I said that he needed a little more information. This paper was very well written and very good grammar.

Danielle's paper when i began to read it the first paragraph just had so much information put in there. She said she wanted to put a little backround before jumping in which is good but it just wasn't put together very well. The sentences weren't flowing and it just had to many pieces that didn't fit together right. She also didn't have a work cited which is something that i thought should be inculded. Over all i thought that it was a good start to a very good paper.

On Ann's paper i didn't have many comments.Ann working in a hospital knows so much first hand with Medical ethics that she has a great understanding for everything that she writes. In the comments i told her i said all she needed was to make it a little more longer and that maybe needs more information. This paper was very well written.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Complementary or Alternative??

Complementary medicine is used together with other conventional medicine. EX: (using aromatherapy following surgery for lessening the discomfort).

Alternative medicine is used in place of the conventional medicine. Ex: (using a diet instead of radiation for cancer treatment).

Major types of Complementary and Alternative medicines:

1. Alternative medical systems are built upon complete systems of theory and practice. Often, these systems have evolved apart from and earlier than the conventional medical approach used in the United States. Examples of alternative medical systems that have developed in Western cultures include homeopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine.

2. Mind-body medicine uses a variety of techniques designed to enhance the mind's capacity to affect bodily function and symptoms. Some techniques that were considered CAM in the past have become mainstream (for example, patient support groups and cognitive-behavioral therapy). Other mind-body techniques are still considered CAM, including meditation, prayer, mental healing, and therapies that use creative outlets such as art, music, or dance

3. Biologically based therapies in CAM use substances found in nature, such as herbs, foods, and vitamins. Some examples include dietary supplements, 3 herbal products, and the use of other so-called natural but as yet scientifically unproven therapies (for example, using shark cartilage to treat cancer).

4. Manipulative and body-based methods in CAM are based on manipulation and/or movement of one or more parts of the body. Some examples include chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation, and massage.

5. Energy Theories - involve the use of energy fields. Two kinds are:

*Biofield therapies are intended to affect energy fields that purportedly surround and penetrate the human body. The existence of such fields has not yet been scientifically proven. Some forms of energy therapy manipulate biofields by applying pressure and/or manipulating the body by placing the hands in, or through, these fields. Examples include qi gong, Reiki, and Therapeutic Touch.

*Bioelectromagnetic-based therapies involve the unconventional use of electromagnetic fields, such as pulsed fields, magnetic fields, or alternating-current or direct-current fields.

Theses are some of the brief explanations of some of the types of CAM theories/therapies there are.

cited from : "CAM Basics". National Center for Complementary And Alternative Medicine. National Institutes of Health. 12, Jan 2007.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Progress Report

Starting out i wanted to do something around the area of nursing. Nursing is my profession choice and i am very interested in it. This, though, came to be a very big problem because the area of Nursing is so big. As of right now i have been to the library at least 3 or 4 times looking at books and nursing magazines. I have finally picked a topic, yet it really isn't that soild. CAM ( Complementary and Alternative Medicine) is the my topic. I want to focus on how theses medical treatments can really help with healing and just dealing with pain that will always be there. In my paper i want to focus on a lot of acupuncture and massage. Theses two subjects seem to be the most widely used and researched on. My research is going well , i have 3 books that are helping out and a ton of web sites. The only thing i feel that i need to work on is grammar and just putting all the information together.

This is a very wide topic and widely used today in our society. This is why im afraid that my paper is going to be too long. I feel that right now i have so much information i want to get out there and across to my readers but its just too much at the same time. I need to work on simplifing what i am writing. A lot of the works that i have been reading are more complicated and i would like to be the one that could help people understand all the information by reading my paper.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Looking into Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Modern physicians diagnose and treat diseases (abnormalities in the structure and function of the body organs and systems), whereas clients suffer illnesses. (Experiences of undesirable changes in states of being and in social function; the human experience of sickness). Pain is the essential experience of illness because it defies all the diagnostic tests of modern medicine, yet it produces its ravages of disability and dysfunction (pg 13). Complementary and Alternative medicine allows other physicians to treat more then just the disease. From a complementary point of view, no illness is purely physical. Rather, suffering manifests in multiple dimensions: physical, emotional, social, or spiritual. What is of concern is how suffering becomes physicalized. How does suffering result in body symptoms, some of which are so severe as to be associated with changes in tissue structure and function (pg 13,14)?

Take, for example, cancer. How does cancer begin? We know that immune deficiency is important. Abnormal cells are continually appearing, but our body possesses the wisdom to eliminate them. What happens to allow a (nidus) of such cells to take hold? We know that emotions contribute to cancer. Depression suppresses immunity and leads to decreased cellular function. We know that watching a tragic movie suppresses immune parameters in the laboratory. We know that poor nutrition interferes with immune function. We know that some families carry genes that make them easier targets for cancer. What then sparks the flame that establishes the cancer (pg 14)? Many things in the environment could spark the weaken immune system. Cancer can then invade the human body.

This is just one of the examples that lets physicians that study CAM can really see the effects of emotional, and spiritual being of a person and how it deals with being sick. Treatments such as massage, acupuncture and even herb remedies can be helpful for people who want to use CAM.

CAM= Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Nidus= anything that resembles a nest in appearance and function.

photo by : http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/images/300/massage_stomach.jpg

Work Cited

1. Encyclopedia of Complementary Health Practice. New York: Springer Publishing Company. 1999.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Pioneers of Acupuncture

In Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture the main figures in this concentration are difficult to almost not even able to be found. Many of the influences started in early A.D maybe even B.C. One of them, Fu Hsi, who lived in the Yellow River area of China approximately 8000 years ago, is the one theorist that started the practice. By observing nature, he formulated the first two symbols, a broken line and unbroken line. These symbols represent the two major forces in the universe, creation and reception, and how their interaction forms life. The duality was named Yin-Yang and they represented the backbone of Chinese Medicine theory and application. Fu Hsi then discovered that when yin-yang fuse, a creative action occurs, and this gives birth to a third aspect. Fu Hsi then pondered on how this triplicity occurs eight times and this led to the eight trigrams and then 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching (Book of Change) the I-Ching shaped the thinking for years to come and everything influential book on Chinese Medicine is based upon its fundamental philosophy (1).

Huang-ti Nei-Ching (The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine), one of the oldest Chinese medical books still in existence, is used today as one of the main reference books on acupuncture theory. Since the time of the Emperor, the practice of acupuncture has remained virtually unchanged (2). The original nei ching consists of many parts of which the most important are the "Su Wen" and the " Ling Shu." The former deals with physiology, pathology, etiology, and health maintenance; the latter with anatomy, treatment, and the nervous system. The "Su Wen" introduced the following methods of treatment: Huei Shi- cutting stone, early surgery using stone knives, Medicinal- decoctions and medicinal soups, Acupuncture, Moxibustion- Heat therapy, and Massage- Manipulation and exercise (3).

The Huang Ti Nei Ching, even though it's a book has been a major influence and "founder" of early medicine used in the United States today, such as massage, acupuncture and all early medicine in china that is been brought here today. Most of the techniques used then are widely used here today.

Photo by:


1. The Art of Acupuncture & Classical Chinese Herbology. 1998. Scott Suvow, M.O.M, L.A.C , NCCAOM. 3 Jan 2007

2. "Acupuncture." coolnurse.com. 3 Jan 2007 .

3. Tierra, Dr. Michael. " Hara Diagnosis." Planetherbs. 3 Jan 2007 .

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Discovering Nursing

Today nursing is a prime field to get into. There are tons of need for nurses high and low.With over 100,000 vacant positions and a ever-growing need for healthcare workers, the career outlook is excellent for the nursing field.Because of the increasing need for nurses, some hospitals are offering signing bonuses of up to $14,000 for experienced nurses.Most nurses change jobs a number of times throughout their careers to take advantage of the many opportunities available. A nurse experiencing burnout can stay right in the profession by moving laterally to another field of nursing, or can build on years of valuable education by earning an advanced degree and moving up the ladder. With so many varied and challenging positions and opportunities for continual growth, it's easy to see why nursing is truly one of the most rewarding and fulfilling professions out there. Most people today go for their Bachelor of Science Nursing: (BS/BSN) A four-year program offered at colleges and universities that prepares nurses to practice across all health care settings. BSN graduates have the greatest opportunity for advancement. For instance, a BSN is required for entry into a Master's program, which may in turn lead to a career in management, or on to more specialized nursing positions such as clinical nurse specialist, nurse practitioner, nurse educator, or nurse researcher. A BSN is preferred and often required for military nursing, case management, public health nursing, overseas/development nursing, forensic nursing and school nursing. Some countries (the European Union, Australia, and New Zealand) require a BSN before being able to sit for the RN exam. This is the most common program around. You can also get your Associate's Degree in Nursing, Hospital Diploma, Licensed Practical Nurse, and there are also further education.

Discovering Nursing


24 Jan 2007

Johnson & Johnson Services

Photo By: http://www.nationjob.com/pageart/nursing.jpg

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Nursing as a Subject Area

Nursing has many areas of focus. Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Surgical, Critical Care and Oncology are all just some of the many important fields that a nurse can work in. Nursing is a field of study that takes a lot of hard work with people and focus on making everyone, no matter any biases, well and healthy again. I feel that nursing, as a profession has not had the appreciation that it should have. People take for granted. Nurses have to do many roles in the work place that many Right now in the united states there is a major shortage of nurses and I feel that not only because its a very needed profession, it's a very rewarding one also. RN is a registered nurse, which is the most widely held degree that most people want to get to. There are many higher degrees with in nursing. Graduate, Master's and even soon hopefully to be PhD can be held in the nursing profession. Nurses are used in many types of facilities such as Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Doctors offices, and Rehabilitation facilities. The roles of a nurse can vary from whom you ask. Nurses can distribute shots, start ivy’s, pass out meds, be a very big help to an doctor and do everything possible for your patients. ANA is the American Nursing Association, which is an association that provides, a safety net, so to say for nurses worldwide. The Nursing Association helps with issues and rights for nurses in all areas. I recommed anyone who loves to take care of people and be in a very rewarding enviroment to check out nursing as a profession.