Tuesday, April 24, 2007

New Medicine

New Medicine :Complete Family Health Guide.

This book is for integrating complementary, alternative and conventional medicine is a safe and effective way to use. I bought this book because i am not just interested in this subject for class but in general for my family with their health problems and for other people too. I like that this book informs you of conventional medicine used for the specific health problem and that it gives you the most effective way to use CAM therapies that are safe. This book goes through many different health problems from cramps to arthritis. I really feel that this should be a book that someone in the medical industry would want to read and have in their possession. I have read through this book for my grandmother to help her with her healing of a hip replacement. I also looked in it for stress for myself and mother and also thyroid disease to help my mom.This book is really something that I will use in all of my paper. I think that this is a great source that I found. New Medicine goes through countless health problems that can be handled with both conventional and CAM. I really feel that any person that is going to use CAM to read through something like this reference and then consult a doctor before just trying another medicine. Conventional Western Medicine used to mean taking the body apart and analyzing it down into ever-smaller components. But examining a piston can’t tell you how an engine works. Why cannot explain the mind by dissecting the brain, not understand a person by doing chemical tests. And living organisms are quite different from mechanism: they self-assemble, and the whole has a huge effect on its parts. The healthy body id an infinitely intricate three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle that is continually breaking itself apart, even down at the molecular level, and then reconstructing itself.

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