Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thesis Statement

Influences in medicine started early in A.D maybe even B.C. Fu His, who lived in the yellow river area of China approximately 8,000 years ago, is a theorist who began and has influenced Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM). CAM is a Chinese medicine that has been practiced overseas for many years. While conventional medicine is chosen here today for primary health care, I believe Complementary and Alternative practices should be an option taken in consideration.

this is my thesis statement for my final paper. I feel that this is where i want my paper to go and what i want to bring across through out the whole thing. I want to show people that Complementary and Alternative medicine can and should be a consideration in picking how they take care of themselves. Complementary and Alternative medicine looks at the body as having 3 body systems that work together to keep you healthy. I want people to know that targeting all of theses systems will have th best outcome in becoming well again.

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