Friday, March 2, 2007

Where to look???

You can't really answer the question of how much information is out there on your subject because with the web it’s unlimited. The question is how much can you really find for your self. For my subject, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, I have been able to find various amounts of work on it. This I believe is a split subject and might have a little to do with it, when people are picking sides there tends to be information everywhere hitting every aspect. I have went to the library and checked out 3 books, but looked at tons more. Some works only have a few about CAM in them and some have so much you don't know what to do with it. To be able to answer the 5 W's and an H blog I think there is way more then enough information on what I’m writing on. By using JSTOR I have been able to find tons of Scholarly articles referring to and about CAM. Many people now a days are looking into using CAM for medical reasons and that’s why I believe that its written so much in magazines and such. I have been able to find books on just certain therapies such as Holistic Health and Acupuncture. With all the information and the sources that I have already found I believe that there is more then enough information for me to produce our ten page paper at the end of the semester.

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