Monday, February 26, 2007

Peer Review # two

For our second peer review session we were to write a three page paper on the "Major Questions in our Subject". For me this was easy. Complementary and Alternative Medicine is my subject and there are tons of questions asked over and over again about it. I started off by answering the most profound question What is CAM and How Can It Help Me Feel Better? I went into how it helps and different types of therapies used for helping different things. Then i tried to answer the question that most often is next in line to being asked. Is It Safe? This was the most difficult to try to answer and i tried to the best of my knowledge.

Problems - I had and very bad run in with using the word "you" in half my paper, so that is deffinately something that will have to be worked out before i hand in the second draft. There were a few small questions on what was i trying to say, or this should be worded different such as : my first sentence it didn't really make sense and all my peer right away pointed that one out to me. Some weren't sure of the many focus of the paper and i will be sure to make it clear before its turned back in.

My reviews :

Casey: Coming into this paper i had never read her work before, when i started off it was well written but there were a few things i wasn't clear about. She mentioned Enron, but never really let the reader know what she wanted us to know about them. Also with Sarbanes Oxley Bill i was not sure on what she was trying to relate to. Other then that i just saw that she over used the work " ethics" throughout the first page an a half. And that we were suppose to have 2 cited works but she only had included 1.

Beth: Starting off i didn't really know anything about her subject. She was using MN which she never abbriviated anywhere. That was the biggest problem for me in her paper. She needed to make it a little longer but other then that it was very interesting and catching.

Ann: Ann had very little grammar mistakes and i really liked how she used the Terri Schiavo case in her paper. It fit right in and it was something a lot of her readers will be able to connect with. The only thing in her paper was that i wasnt' sure of what the point was that she was trying to get across or the question she was trying to address.

Cody: I also liked how he brought the examples in his paper. Between the 3 and 4 paragraph it seemed to just jump and not really have a clear point of stopping and starting somewhere else. Over all it was very well written. He is a great writter but again the ending to me just drops and doesn't really end.

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