Thursday, January 18, 2007

Nursing as a Subject Area

Nursing has many areas of focus. Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Surgical, Critical Care and Oncology are all just some of the many important fields that a nurse can work in. Nursing is a field of study that takes a lot of hard work with people and focus on making everyone, no matter any biases, well and healthy again. I feel that nursing, as a profession has not had the appreciation that it should have. People take for granted. Nurses have to do many roles in the work place that many Right now in the united states there is a major shortage of nurses and I feel that not only because its a very needed profession, it's a very rewarding one also. RN is a registered nurse, which is the most widely held degree that most people want to get to. There are many higher degrees with in nursing. Graduate, Master's and even soon hopefully to be PhD can be held in the nursing profession. Nurses are used in many types of facilities such as Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Doctors offices, and Rehabilitation facilities. The roles of a nurse can vary from whom you ask. Nurses can distribute shots, start ivy’s, pass out meds, be a very big help to an doctor and do everything possible for your patients. ANA is the American Nursing Association, which is an association that provides, a safety net, so to say for nurses worldwide. The Nursing Association helps with issues and rights for nurses in all areas. I recommed anyone who loves to take care of people and be in a very rewarding enviroment to check out nursing as a profession.


Mr. E said...


I don't want to sound like an English teacher or just some asshole trying to tell you how to write, but, I think in the future you should consider Proof Reading/Spell Checking your blogs, papers, and anything else you write (Don't worry, you can always edit your entries). As well as some better structure too, your writing kind of just jumps around.

On an A.D.D.'s snowing outside lol A LOT!!!

Anyway, just try to be more careful about your writing. Hope to see progress in future entries! Have a good day.


cmerritt said...

I know exactly what you mean about nurses being taken for granted! My mother works at a hospital and I have been there several times for job shadowing and career days. I have followed around several nurses because I once wanted to go into that profession. They work so hard, and it seems as though the doctor receives all the credit! Good luck with your entries, it seems like you are headed in the right direction.