Tuesday, May 1, 2007

=) Last Blog =)

OUR journey had advanced;
Our feet were almost come
To that odd fork in Being’s road,
Eternity by term.

Our pace took sudden awe,
Our feet reluctant led.
Before were cities, but between,
The forest of the dead.

Retreat was out of hope,
Behind, a sealed route,
Eternity’s white flag before,
And God at every gate

By: Emily Dickinson

English class.... It's the last blog of the semester and well from the first days of research up till now has much advanced. I have taken a lot from the time spent in and out of class going through the piles of information on Complementary and Alternative therapies and it has given me a new look on the medical field. I have pretty much decided where i want to go with my major and in what speciality.

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