Tuesday, May 1, 2007

=) Last Blog =)

OUR journey had advanced;
Our feet were almost come
To that odd fork in Being’s road,
Eternity by term.

Our pace took sudden awe,
Our feet reluctant led.
Before were cities, but between,
The forest of the dead.

Retreat was out of hope,
Behind, a sealed route,
Eternity’s white flag before,
And God at every gate

By: Emily Dickinson

English class.... It's the last blog of the semester and well from the first days of research up till now has much advanced. I have taken a lot from the time spent in and out of class going through the piles of information on Complementary and Alternative therapies and it has given me a new look on the medical field. I have pretty much decided where i want to go with my major and in what speciality.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

A couple of CAM therapies

Acupuncture treatment for pain works either locally by secretion of neurohormones in the tissue adjacent to the needle, or centrally through nervous pathways mediated by neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and norepinephrine (Peters page. 85).
Homeopathy is complementary medicine based on the idea that treating “like with like” will stimulate and direct the body’s self-healing abilities (Peters, page 70). Homeopathy is particularly useful when the disease is “internal” due to an imbalance within the person rather than to an external agent, such as an infection. For instance, homeopathy is very effective for children with eczema and other allergies, and for people with anxiety, depression, sleep problems, recurrent coughs, colds and flu, arthritis, and rheumatism, and for women with PMS and menopausal problems. It can complement other treatments, too. For example, homeopathic medicines are sometimes taken alongside conventional medication to help with the side effects and symptoms of cancer.
Chiropractors use precise hand movements to manipulate the vertebrae of the spine. The therapy is particularly effective in treating low back pain and relieving muscle tension caused by stress. In correcting the alignment of the spine with the head and pelvis, chiropractors help the nervous system work normally. Treatment may involve standing or sitting or lying on a chiropractic couch while the practitioner used her hands to locate the source of the pain and then make the necessary adjustments (Peters, page.62). 
 Dietary supplement is a product (other than tobacco) that is intended to supplement the diet it contains one or more dietary ingredients (including vitamins; minerals; herbs or other botanicals; amino acids; and other substances) or their constituents. They are intended to be taken by mouth as a pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid. They are labeled on the front panel as being a dietary supplement. The FDA regulates dietary supplement, to what goes on the label must be truthful and the dietary supplement the FDA must look over its self. If the label is misleading the FDA can pull if off the market.
Yoga is one of the most known and used CAM therapy for the body. This ancient Indian practice has been practiced for thousands of years in India as part of Ayurveda. It combines physical postures and breathing to train the mind and body. All forms of yoga, such as hatha and astanga, can help relieve mental stress while increasing suppleness and fitness. Yoga therapists teach specific poses to treat medical complaints (Peters, page. 63).

Thesis Statement

Influences in medicine started early in A.D maybe even B.C. Fu His, who lived in the yellow river area of China approximately 8,000 years ago, is a theorist who began and has influenced Complementary and Alternative medicine (CAM). CAM is a Chinese medicine that has been practiced overseas for many years. While conventional medicine is chosen here today for primary health care, I believe Complementary and Alternative practices should be an option taken in consideration.

this is my thesis statement for my final paper. I feel that this is where i want my paper to go and what i want to bring across through out the whole thing. I want to show people that Complementary and Alternative medicine can and should be a consideration in picking how they take care of themselves. Complementary and Alternative medicine looks at the body as having 3 body systems that work together to keep you healthy. I want people to know that targeting all of theses systems will have th best outcome in becoming well again.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

New Medicine

New Medicine :Complete Family Health Guide.

This book is for integrating complementary, alternative and conventional medicine is a safe and effective way to use. I bought this book because i am not just interested in this subject for class but in general for my family with their health problems and for other people too. I like that this book informs you of conventional medicine used for the specific health problem and that it gives you the most effective way to use CAM therapies that are safe. This book goes through many different health problems from cramps to arthritis. I really feel that this should be a book that someone in the medical industry would want to read and have in their possession. I have read through this book for my grandmother to help her with her healing of a hip replacement. I also looked in it for stress for myself and mother and also thyroid disease to help my mom.This book is really something that I will use in all of my paper. I think that this is a great source that I found. New Medicine goes through countless health problems that can be handled with both conventional and CAM. I really feel that any person that is going to use CAM to read through something like this reference and then consult a doctor before just trying another medicine. Conventional Western Medicine used to mean taking the body apart and analyzing it down into ever-smaller components. But examining a piston can’t tell you how an engine works. Why cannot explain the mind by dissecting the brain, not understand a person by doing chemical tests. And living organisms are quite different from mechanism: they self-assemble, and the whole has a huge effect on its parts. The healthy body id an infinitely intricate three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle that is continually breaking itself apart, even down at the molecular level, and then reconstructing itself.


A long time ago in a town far away called Kent there lived two squirrels. Ed and Jim were their names and except for their tails they were a little funny to ones sight. Ed was a principal of the local high school whose rules and principles were fair but many didn't accept them or follow by any means. Down the road from the school and on the right your eyes couldn't miss Jim's church and altar. The rite of passage through the doors to Jim's sanctuary was hard to obtain. The weather was pretty stationary in the little town of Kent and didn't affect or alter many peoples day. The teaching in the high school wasn't the greatest and English wasn't the best. Stationery wasn't in its best use at the high school. When they would write a story whose ending made no sense, they would lose technique and not cite references. Whether it's ending was too loose and off track it would still bring a smile to faces in Kent. Your fare in this town was nothing because you would be on a trek to see the place. Ed and Jim often effected the day-to-day life in Kent. You're also guaranteed to walk into them sometime. The affect they leave on you will stay forever. They're the town of Kent and it wouldn't be the same without them. Who's stayed and who's left this town that is the question. Their effect has been great to many people.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Complementary Therapy/Medicine

Gentle therapies such as massage, relaxation, and other "healing" therapies play a major role in palliative care (symptom relief). Some patients find that complementary medicine, also called integrative medicine and/or holistic healing can help alleviate the side effects, pain and anxiety associated with chemotherapy and cancer treatments in general (Hamilton,par.2). Types of complementary medicine are divided into five different cateragories. Sensory, Cognitive, Expressive, Physical and Medical Systems. Sensory complementary medicines include the senses: site, smell, touch, taste and sound. Examples of theses are Aromatherapy, Landscape therapy, Music therapy, Massage, Therapeutic touch, Reiki, Reflexology and Acupuncture. Cognitive complementary medicine incourages mind body healing. Examples of theses are Guided Imagery, Hypnotherapy, Prayer, Meditation, Relaxation and Deep Breathing and Biofeedback. Expressive treatments include anything that lets the patient express themselves in a positive way.Psychotherapy and Counseling, Support groups, Journal writing and Art therapy are examples of theses. Physical complementary medicine is exactly what it sounds like and includes: Physical exersice, Yoga, T"ai Chi and Qi Gong. Medical Systems is an overall term used to describe the types of different, alternative, or non-traditional medicines that may be called upon in addition to western medicine. Some of these include naturopathy, Anthroposophical medicine, Western herbalism, Chinese herbalism, and ayurveda (Hamilton,par.36).

Hamilton, Scott. Chemocare. 2005. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. 15 March 2007.
< http://www.chemocare.com>.

Infertility boost from CAM

Researchers have found that many of complementary and alternative medicines can help couples with their conceiving problems. Homeopathy has been on of the many found to help. Homeopathy is remedies from minerals, plants and sometimes animals that are diluted down. Theses are taken so our body’s defenses can kick in against the problem that’s making infertility. Its been shown to help with polycystic ovarian syndrome, which messes with a women’s menstrual cycle, blocked tubes and endometriosis. Endometriosis is where the lining of the uterus is found other places in the body. Women that have taken daily doses were shown to fall pregegnant, compared to others who were not. Acupuncture theory in infertility is that blood stores are down in the body and can cause irregular periods. This can allow the bold to flow more normal so that they ovulation can go back to normal. Women receiving both acupuncture and IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) had pregnancies other then with just the IVF. Other therapies are said to help and should be looked into with you and your doctor such as nutrition and hypnotherapy.