Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Persuasive vs. Expository

An Expository paper is a paper that tells the facts and reports what others have said. In this type of paper you don't argue the facts or try to convince the reader of anything. This is manly an informative paper. Research papers are not usually this type of paper. An Expository paper just considers the and not really the why and how.

A Persuasive paper is one that argues and persuades the audience to look at it from the point of view that you are, in the paper. This has facts included and importantly pro's and con's, this type of paper should almost always address the other side too. A Persuasive paper considers the why and how. Research papers are usually a persuasive paper.

Between the two choices I believe that my topic and paper will be a Persuasive paper. I will be going through the why's and how's of Complementary and Alternative medicine. Another reason why I would argue that it’s a persuasive paper is because included in persuasive papers you argue your opinion, so your subject must have two sides to see. My topic has its side of complementary and alternative medicine and the other side people argue is better and should only be used is general medicine. My paper will include many expository parts because I have to tell you the facts so I have a side to argue.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent, and you're up to date as well.