Friday, February 9, 2007

Progress Report

Starting out i wanted to do something around the area of nursing. Nursing is my profession choice and i am very interested in it. This, though, came to be a very big problem because the area of Nursing is so big. As of right now i have been to the library at least 3 or 4 times looking at books and nursing magazines. I have finally picked a topic, yet it really isn't that soild. CAM ( Complementary and Alternative Medicine) is the my topic. I want to focus on how theses medical treatments can really help with healing and just dealing with pain that will always be there. In my paper i want to focus on a lot of acupuncture and massage. Theses two subjects seem to be the most widely used and researched on. My research is going well , i have 3 books that are helping out and a ton of web sites. The only thing i feel that i need to work on is grammar and just putting all the information together.

This is a very wide topic and widely used today in our society. This is why im afraid that my paper is going to be too long. I feel that right now i have so much information i want to get out there and across to my readers but its just too much at the same time. I need to work on simplifing what i am writing. A lot of the works that i have been reading are more complicated and i would like to be the one that could help people understand all the information by reading my paper.


aegri_somnia said...

Try condensing the entire history of a Crusade into an 8 page paper! haha. Im not at all suggesting that the task layed before you is any easier. I wish you luck in furthering your research and on your final paper.

Awilli21 said...

I'm having the same problem, I think I may end up with a 14 page paper! Nursing is huge and there is so much info it really is hard to cut everything down. At least you found an interesting subject. We don't use acupuncture or anything like it at the hospital so it will be interesting to read about.