Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Peer review session

During the Peer review session my paper was read through and anyalized. Danielle, Ann and Cody were all in my group and they all told me basically the same thing. My paper needed to be brought down verbally, so that when the reader read it they could actually understand it. I was also told to watch my grammar. In the first paragraph some of the bottom sentences did not make sense and they needed to be changed. Over all they all wrote that i had great information and that i just need to organize a little better.

Cody's paper was very well written, though it was a little too short for what we needed. In about the second paragraph I told cody that i thought he might be getting a little to personal when he said " Ben ( you know we know each other on a first name basis). I said that he needed a little more information. This paper was very well written and very good grammar.

Danielle's paper when i began to read it the first paragraph just had so much information put in there. She said she wanted to put a little backround before jumping in which is good but it just wasn't put together very well. The sentences weren't flowing and it just had to many pieces that didn't fit together right. She also didn't have a work cited which is something that i thought should be inculded. Over all i thought that it was a good start to a very good paper.

On Ann's paper i didn't have many comments.Ann working in a hospital knows so much first hand with Medical ethics that she has a great understanding for everything that she writes. In the comments i told her i said all she needed was to make it a little more longer and that maybe needs more information. This paper was very well written.

1 comment:

Mr. E said...

Indeed, that is pretty much how the peer review's went...Everyone had a good paper, we communicated with eachother, and we got the job done. The reviews went pretty smooth all-in-all I'd say.