Thursday, March 15, 2007

Complementary Therapy/Medicine

Gentle therapies such as massage, relaxation, and other "healing" therapies play a major role in palliative care (symptom relief). Some patients find that complementary medicine, also called integrative medicine and/or holistic healing can help alleviate the side effects, pain and anxiety associated with chemotherapy and cancer treatments in general (Hamilton,par.2). Types of complementary medicine are divided into five different cateragories. Sensory, Cognitive, Expressive, Physical and Medical Systems. Sensory complementary medicines include the senses: site, smell, touch, taste and sound. Examples of theses are Aromatherapy, Landscape therapy, Music therapy, Massage, Therapeutic touch, Reiki, Reflexology and Acupuncture. Cognitive complementary medicine incourages mind body healing. Examples of theses are Guided Imagery, Hypnotherapy, Prayer, Meditation, Relaxation and Deep Breathing and Biofeedback. Expressive treatments include anything that lets the patient express themselves in a positive way.Psychotherapy and Counseling, Support groups, Journal writing and Art therapy are examples of theses. Physical complementary medicine is exactly what it sounds like and includes: Physical exersice, Yoga, T"ai Chi and Qi Gong. Medical Systems is an overall term used to describe the types of different, alternative, or non-traditional medicines that may be called upon in addition to western medicine. Some of these include naturopathy, Anthroposophical medicine, Western herbalism, Chinese herbalism, and ayurveda (Hamilton,par.36).

Hamilton, Scott. Chemocare. 2005. The Cleveland Clinic Foundation. 15 March 2007.

Infertility boost from CAM

Researchers have found that many of complementary and alternative medicines can help couples with their conceiving problems. Homeopathy has been on of the many found to help. Homeopathy is remedies from minerals, plants and sometimes animals that are diluted down. Theses are taken so our body’s defenses can kick in against the problem that’s making infertility. Its been shown to help with polycystic ovarian syndrome, which messes with a women’s menstrual cycle, blocked tubes and endometriosis. Endometriosis is where the lining of the uterus is found other places in the body. Women that have taken daily doses were shown to fall pregegnant, compared to others who were not. Acupuncture theory in infertility is that blood stores are down in the body and can cause irregular periods. This can allow the bold to flow more normal so that they ovulation can go back to normal. Women receiving both acupuncture and IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) had pregnancies other then with just the IVF. Other therapies are said to help and should be looked into with you and your doctor such as nutrition and hypnotherapy.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Dietary Supplements : Source Summary

Dietary supplement is a product (other than tobacco) that is intended to supplement the diet;

*contains one or more dietary ingredients (including vitamins; minerals; herbs or other botanicals; amino acids; and other substances) or their constituents.
*is intended to be taken by mouth as a pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid.
*is labeled on the front panel as being a dietary supplement.

The FDA regulates dietary supplement, to what goes on the label must be truthful and the dietary supplement its self must be looked over by the FDA. If the label is misleading the FDA can pull if off the market.

Dietary supplements are not required to be standardized. standardized is the process that manufacturers may use to ensure batch to batch consistency of their products.

The FDA is allowed to issue Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regulations describing conditions under which dietary supplements must be prepared, packed, and stored. This is to ensure that manufacturing practices will result in an unadulterated dietary supplement and that dietary supplements are accurately labeled ( Par.15)

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Persuasive vs. Expository

An Expository paper is a paper that tells the facts and reports what others have said. In this type of paper you don't argue the facts or try to convince the reader of anything. This is manly an informative paper. Research papers are not usually this type of paper. An Expository paper just considers the and not really the why and how.

A Persuasive paper is one that argues and persuades the audience to look at it from the point of view that you are, in the paper. This has facts included and importantly pro's and con's, this type of paper should almost always address the other side too. A Persuasive paper considers the why and how. Research papers are usually a persuasive paper.

Between the two choices I believe that my topic and paper will be a Persuasive paper. I will be going through the why's and how's of Complementary and Alternative medicine. Another reason why I would argue that it’s a persuasive paper is because included in persuasive papers you argue your opinion, so your subject must have two sides to see. My topic has its side of complementary and alternative medicine and the other side people argue is better and should only be used is general medicine. My paper will include many expository parts because I have to tell you the facts so I have a side to argue.

Five W's and an H!

Huang-ti Nei-Ching (The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine) is the major pioneer of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. This book is used for reference to many therapies used in CAM. The original Nei Ching consists of many parts of which the most important are the "Su Wen" and the " Ling Shu." The former deals with physiology, pathology, etiology, and health maintenance; the latter with anatomy, treatment, and the nervous system. The "Su Wen" introduced the following methods of treatment: Huei Shi- cutting stone, early surgery using stone knives, Medicinal- decoctions and medicinal soups, Acupuncture, Moxibustion- Heat therapy, and Massage- Manipulation and exercise (

Complementary medicine is used together with other conventional medicine. Like using aromatherapy following surgery for lessening the discomfort. Alternative medicine is used in place of the conventional medicine. Like following a diet instead of radiation for cancer treatment. Major types of CAM therapies are mind-body medicine, biologically based therapies, manipulative and body based methods, energy theories and whole medical systems that are built around theory and practice. Many individual therapies are; aromatherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, dietary supplements, homeopathic, and massage.

Alternative and Complementary Medicine concept was first said to be started in China and their early medicine. Today in society many and all countries use a form of CAM therapies, there may be an office for one right down the road from you. Theses therapies are becoming better known and used, this is why they are found in many place around the world. Chiropractic therapies are used most likely every state in the United States and is the most used CAM therapy that’s accepted in our society. There might be an office right around the corner from you right at this moment.

It’s hard to really say when CAM was starting to be used first. In many of the articles and websites that I have read through it seems to be that CAM was really let in by the United States around the early to middle 1900's. Many people still today do not believe that any of the CAM therapies can be helpful to a patient and I feel that it might take awhile to get people to start acknowledging them. Many insurance companies will not cover CAM therapies and if they do its very limited coverage. It is said that soon many insurances will add a plan for CAM and to me it feels then CAM has been accepted and used by many.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine should be used with much caution and care. If you are considering using a CAM therapy with or without general medicine, you should contact and talk to your regular physician about it first. There can be risks in taking or using a CAM therapy and that’s why you need to inform a physician that knows you and your health well. Also be very careful in picking your CAM physician you need to make sure they know about the therapy well and can work with you and other conditions you may have.

The Art of Acupuncture & Classical Chinese Herbology. 1998. Scott Suvow, M.O.M, L.A.C , NCCAOM. 3 Jan 2007 .

Friday, March 2, 2007

Where to look???

You can't really answer the question of how much information is out there on your subject because with the web it’s unlimited. The question is how much can you really find for your self. For my subject, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, I have been able to find various amounts of work on it. This I believe is a split subject and might have a little to do with it, when people are picking sides there tends to be information everywhere hitting every aspect. I have went to the library and checked out 3 books, but looked at tons more. Some works only have a few about CAM in them and some have so much you don't know what to do with it. To be able to answer the 5 W's and an H blog I think there is way more then enough information on what I’m writing on. By using JSTOR I have been able to find tons of Scholarly articles referring to and about CAM. Many people now a days are looking into using CAM for medical reasons and that’s why I believe that its written so much in magazines and such. I have been able to find books on just certain therapies such as Holistic Health and Acupuncture. With all the information and the sources that I have already found I believe that there is more then enough information for me to produce our ten page paper at the end of the semester.